Out of Contract Rates
You may be suffering higher 'deemed' rates because for example you recently acquired new premises or opted out of automatic renewal, or simply didn't renew your supply contract. In most circumstances you will be afforded a 28 day notice period to switch to a new fixed term contract. We can assist you with terminating your deemed contract and place you in a new contract quickly.
Half Hourly Contracts
If your business has a high consumption rate of energy it is likely that the premises are fitted with a half hourly meter. This gives accurate usage readings and ensures that your bills are not estimates and you are not overcharged.
What is the climate change levy?
Introduced on 1st April 2001, the Climate Change Levy (CCL) is an environmental tax on industrial and commercial use of energy and is paid by all businesses that use over 12000 kWh per annum of electricity or 52000 kWh of gas per annum. The income generated is now used in the overall strategy of reaching our commitments to reduce carbon in the UK.
4c Burnfield Avenue,
Giffnock, G46 7TL
0141 637 2299